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With trading and being new to it especially, there can be a lot of questions on your mind. Below we have covered and answered in detail questions you may have.

Do I need experience?

No, you do not need experience to begin trading with us. It is very simple, you can get the grasp of it within minutes. We do the hard part of finding trades and analysing markets - we then send this to the channel, you just do what it says and input numbers. Takes seconds. However, it can be easy to make a mistake, so please ensure your confidence on copying a signal before doing so.

What do I need to start trading with you?

Completely new to trading? Purchase our subscription and make a trading account (you will be emailed how to do this after purchasing our subscription) where you need at least £350 to put down. This is YOUR money that you trade with, you can withdraw it anytime.

Already trade and just want our signals? Simply purchase the subscription and you will get emailed our telegram link, approved to the channel and you're good to go.

Am I tied into anything?

Nope, you are tied into absolutely nothing. You can cancel your subscription anytime, but you will be removed with immediate effect. If you deposit money to our broker, you can withdraw that anytime you wish.

Can I do this on top of my full time job?

Yes absolutely, in most cases. It takes a couple of minutes to copy our signals, as long as you can do that during your working day, you will be fine. You will get a push notification when a signal is sent, and you must execute at that moment in time. It is important you follow pretty much every signal too.

Why do you charge a fee when other's don't?

Great question. Now, we charge a fee because we believe having a subscription shows we want to make our members happy because guess what? If they aren't, they leave the group and we don't get paid. Other groups are 'free' because they get a nice one time commission when you join them from the broker. After that, if you leave, they still got paid. Furthermore, our group caters to more than one trader. Not everyone wants to change brokers or use a broker, a lot are funded traders. So, makes it easier for them too.

If you are so good at trading, why have a group?

Another very good and popular question amongst the forex industry. Now, most will sugar coat it and say because they want to just help others. Don't get me wrong, it is fantastic helping others make money from their phone and being able to quit their jobs, help their parents and so forth, however, it's simply an added income stream. I will say it, unlike a lot of others. It's a business no different to any other. If we can make money ourselves by simply helping others make money...everybody wins?! The guys preaching they do it just and only  to help others...then you have to join their broker to get they get paid...

What time do you send signals?

Signals can get sent anytime. We send them based on what the market is giving us, not specific times. However, we mainly trade London session, US session and NYSE session. this means from 8am GMT to near enough midnight GMT.

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